From: Saravanamuthu
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 6:02 PM
To: all <>
Cc: md <>; Muthu Rajesh <>; Advisor It <>
Subject: Life@gainup web application - Features enabled in July, August - 23 & Tentative plan for upcoming months.
Dear All,
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to each one of you for using our Life@Gainup web application.
We are happy to share with you the following features enabled in our Life@gainup web application completed in the Month of July & August-23.
We have attached the Demo link for your reference and understanding.
- Current month attendance details
- RGP details and roles.
- Year wise attendance details in chart
Demo link :
Payroll Request and Approval Entries
a) Leave entry and approval
b) Permission entry and approval
c) OD entry and approval
d) C-Off entry and approval
Demo Link :
Employee profile
a) Profile Image change with HR approval
b) Email ID change with OTP
c) Thought of the day (Daily one Thought)
d) Forget password with OTP
e) Reset password in 30 days once
Demo Link:
Tentative plan to develop the following features In upcoming months.
- Ticket systems (IT & HW)
- Pay Slip (View & Download)
- Rating and Feedback of Life@Gainup screens
- Onboarding Employee list (Last month)
- Cumulative KPI dashboard (Target vs Actual)
- Reports for Payroll Entries
- Form-16 (View & Download)
Kindly continue to use our Life@gainup web application and feel free to get back to us for any clarifications and Feedbacks in this regard.
You can access our Life@gainup web application through this below Link.
Off Campus: Click Here
In Campus: Click Here
Assuring our best support and Services always.
S. Sharavana Muthu
Manager – IT
Gainup Industries India Private Limited
+91 95439 95444
From: Saravanamuthu
Sent: Saturday, October 7, 2023 4:15 PM
To: Livingstone <>
Subject: Life@gainup web application - Features enabled in September - 23 & Tentative plan for upcoming months.
Dear All,
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to each one of you for using our Life@Gainup web application.
We are happy to share with you the following features enabled in our Life@gainup web application completed in the Month of September -23.
We have attached the Demo link for your reference and understanding.
- IT & Hardware Ticketing System
- Reviews and Staff’s Payslip
Demo link :
Payroll Reports
a) Attendance report
b) Leave, Permission, COFF & On duty request and reports
Demo Link :
Tentative plan to develop the following features In upcoming months.
- Cumulative KPI dashboard (Target vs Actual)
- Form-16 (View & Download)
- Hiring Process/Onboard/Training
- Reimbursement (Transport/Boarding)
- Employee Survey Form
- Exit Interview.
- Internal File sharing System – File Server
Kindly continue to use our Life@gainup web application and feel free to get back to us for any clarifications and Feedback in this regard.
You can access our Life@gainup web application through this below Link.
Off Campus: Click Here
In Campus: Click Here
Assuring our best support and Services always.
S. Sharavana Muthu
Manager – IT
Gainup Industries India Private Limited
+91 95439 95444
Dear All,
Good Morning,
We would like to inform you that the Life@Gainup web application is planned to be hosted on our new server starting Monday, 08-Jul-2024.
From this date onwards, Life@Gainup’ s performance will be significantly improved.
New URLs:
- In-Campus URL:
- Off-Campus URL:
Please note that the existing URL will no longer be functional from Monday.
Sharavanamuthu Sankaran
Sr. Manager – IT
Gainup Industries India Private Limited
+91 95439 95444