@if ($contentType === 'ticketComplete')

Hi, Ticket Number {{ $data['ticketids'] }} was raised by {{ $data['mail_by'] }} For {{ $data['module_name'] }} on {{ $data['component_name'] }} validate by {{ $data['FC_Name'] }} was completed by {{ $data['developername'] }} at {{ $data['formattedDate'] }} . Please Give your acknowledgement within 7 days otherwise ticket will be acknowledged automatically .

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Off Campus: Click Here            In Campus: Click Here

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us.

You're receiving this email because you signed up for our service. If you didn't, please ignore this email. This is a system generated email, do not reply to this email id.

© Warm Regards, Gainup Industries India PVT LTD. All rights reserved.
